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WTR 1st Floor Shoplot Office Taman Niaga Waris Jalan

Discussion in 'Kuala Lumpur Property' started by Rais Bin Abdul Majid, Dec 18, 2024 at 11:18 AM.

  1. For Rent: 1st Floor Shoplot Office Taman Niaga Waris Jalan
    Location: Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur
    Type: Shop/Office/Retail Space
    Price: RM1350
    Size: 1430 sqft

    Want To Let

    1st Floor Shoplot / Office Taman Niaga Waris Jalan Kuching KL

    -Basic unit
    -1st floor
    -22ft x 65ft (1,430sqft)
    -1 unit Aircond
    -2 toilet
    -Good condition
    -Previously rented by Lawyer firmed
    -Ready to move in anytime

    -Jalan Kuching
    -Jalan Ipoh
    -Highway Duta-Ulu kelang

    RM1,350 / month

    Interested to view the unit, please contact :

    Rais Abdul Majid
    IQI Realty (REN35913)

    Here is my listing link: https://propertyagent.my/rais/ipp/20231025111927/1st-Floor-Shoplot-Office-Taman-Niaga-Waris-Jalan

    Visit my profile for more listing:

    Refer the following for this property image













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