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WTR Grd Floor shoplot, Sungai Chua, Kajang

Discussion in 'Selangor Property' started by Timothy Tham, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. For Rent: Grd Floor shoplot, Sungai Chua, Kajang
    Location: Kajang, Selangor
    Type: Shop
    Price: RM4000
    Size: 1600 sqft

    Ground Floor shoplot located Sungai Chua @ Kajang
    Sungai Chua nearby Face to Face Noodle

    20 x 80

    More information , welcome contact me

    Here is my listing link: https://propertyagent.my/Timothy/ipp/20240427235607/Grd-Floor-shoplot,-Sungai-Chua,-Kajang

    Visit my profile for more listing:

    Refer the following for this property image





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