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WTR metroview condominium

Discussion in 'Kuala Lumpur Property' started by Benson Chong, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. For Rent: metroview condominium
    Location: Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur
    Type: Townhouse
    Price: RM2500
    Size: 1800 sqft

    Wangsa maju Metroview 2 storey townhouse For Rent

    Good location

    *First come First serve basic




    Furnished with:
    Washing Machine,
    Water.heater x2,
    Concrete top

    Private car garage v 2 car park

    *Walking 5 minutes to Wangsa maju LRT station,

    *Nearby AEON,Carefour,MRR2,KLCC,festival mall And Internet Cafe

    If Interested Pls Call:
    ----------Benson 0109312858 ------------

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