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WTR [WTR] Prima Setapak , Setapak

Discussion in 'Kuala Lumpur Property' started by Benson Chong, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. For Rent: Prima Setapak , Setapak
    Location: Setapak, Kuala Lumpur
    Type: Condo/Serviced Residence
    Price: RM1500
    Size: 1231 sqft

    Prima Setapak

    Location: Setapak- Kuala Lumpur
    Type: Condominium

    Status:partially Furnisoms:3
    Bathrooms: 2
    Built Up: 1231 sq. ft.
    hed with water heater,refrigerator and washing machine and ceiling fan.
    facilities:Children Playground,sauna room,jogging
    track,swimming pool,24 hours security

    Strategy Area:near setapak,genting kelang.
    many shop lot around these area included bank,mamak
    stall,mini market and etc.

    If interested,just don,t hesitate to call
    Benson 0109312858 for future information

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