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WTS Saujana Sutera Seremban 2 Heights, Seremban

Discussion in 'Malaysia Property' started by lisaazila, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. For Sale: Saujana Sutera Seremban 2 Heights, Seremban
    Location: Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan
    Type: Terrace double storey
    Price: RM550000
    Size: 2295 sqft

    Murah! Bank Lelong ! Below Market Value!
    No. 177, Jalan Saujana Sutera 9, Saujana Sutera Seremban 2 Heights, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

    * Auction Date/Time : Jun 15, 2023 (11:00 AM)
    * Reserved Price : RM 550,000.00 - 1st Auction
    * Tenure : Freehold | Bumi Lot
    * 2 Storey Terrace House - Endlot
    * Size : 2295 Sq.ft
    * Deposit 10% + 5-7% Legal Fees
    * Loan can apply max 90%

    Contact : Lisa Azila
    HP : 0145129191 | Whatsapp : www.wasap.my/60145129191/banklelong

    More auction unit here!
    Telegram: https: //t.me/lisarumahlelong
    Website: https: www.malayaproperty.com.my
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/malayapropertydream

    Here is my listing link: https://propertyagent.my/lisaazila/ipp/20230605113939/Saujana-Sutera-Seremban-2-Heights,-Seremban

    Visit my profile for more listing:

    Refer the following for this property image


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